Pharm Report Issue No. 1
A newsletter to update clinic staff on current issues in healthcare
Issue I
Flu Vaccines Are Here!
Forward Pharmacy is pleased to announce that we have flu shots! We have the regular flu vaccine for patients 6 months of age and older, Fluzone High Dose for patients 65 years of age and older, and Flumist for immunocompetent patients 2 to 59 years of age.
Getting a flu shot is an easy way to help stay healthy this winter, but getting your patients to get a flu shot is not always easy. If you have patients who can’t make it into your clinic for an appointment, refer them to us to help keep them healthy this flu season.
We offer vaccine appointments and walk-ins Monday through Saturday at all 5 of our locations. Appointments are available on our website and there is no cost to nearly all patients with insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid. We enter every vaccine we administer into the Wisconsin Immunization Registry the same day we give it, so you can be sure your patients’ immunization records are up to date.
Back To School (and Back to School Vaccination) Time!
Back to School time means required vaccinations for some children. Wisconsin has a list of required vaccines here.
The list of vaccines required for school entry in Wisconsin is just a portion of the ACIP-recommended vaccines children should receive. Pharmacists at Forward Pharmacy can check the Wisconsin Immunization Registry and see which vaccines the child is due for, not just the ones required by the state.
Forward Pharmacy can vaccinate children as young as 3 years old without a prescription. We are able to vaccinate children under the age of 3, but we need a prescription from their healthcare provider.
If you have 11 and 12 year olds that need a dose of Tdap, send them to Forward Pharmacy! Most insurances allow these kids to receive their Tdap shots at a pharmacy. We offer appointments and walk-ins Monday through Saturday at all 6 of our locations. Appointments are available on our website. Together, we can keep kids healthy and ready for school!
Prescription Tips
- There is no longer a shortage of Amoxicillin products, which is great news as the kids head back to school!
- Please include a diagnosis code on each prescription. This helps pharmacists when we talk to your patients about the medications you prescribed. Also, insurance companies are beginning to require it on some prescriptions.
- Pharmacy questions? Just call us! If you ever have a pharmacy related question, just call us. We want to work with you to help us provide the best possible care to your patients.
Do you know another provider who would be interested in receiving Forward Pharmacy’s Pharm report? We invite you to share our signup link.