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Pharm Report Issue No. 11

A newsletter to update clinic staff on current issues in healthcare

Issue XI

Long Acting Injections Available at Forward Pharmacy

Did you know that many pharmacists are trained to administer not just vaccines but medications? Medications used to treat opioid use disorder, bipolar disorder, and other health conditions can be dispensed and then administered at the pharmacy.

Before, many patients would see their provider and receive a prescription for a medication that requires a healthcare professional to inject it. The patient would go to their pharmacy, pick up the medication, and then go back to the clinic to have it administered. By being able to get the medication administered at the pharmacy, this reduces transportation barriers and opportunities for medications to be mishandled, and increases adherence to medication therapy.

As our communities continue to work to help people recover from opioid addiction, the role of the pharmacist administering Vivitrol has never been more important. This service has a fee, but more and more insurance companies are covering the cost as they realize that community pharmacies play a vital role in not just dispensing medications, but administering them as well.

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