Pharm Report Issue No. 6
A newsletter to update clinic staff on current issues in healthcare
Issue VI
Med Boxes
Do you have patients that struggle with remembering to take their medications? We all know that not taking medications as prescribed can lead to negative health outcomes. To help our patients, Forward Pharmacy provides a service that puts all of a patient’s medications into a med box instead of the usual prescription vial. Each box holds one week’s worth of medication and can include separate compartments for morning, noon, dinner and bedtime doses. Each med box is labeled with the name and strength of the medications that are in each compartment along with a description of each pill.
The pharmacy staff makes sure your patients always have refills on their medications and that their medications are always in stock. We can add over-the-counter items (such as aspirin 81mg) and supplements (such as vitamin D) the patient takes to their prescription record to help keep their medications organized. We can fill boxes on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly basis to best meet the patients needs, and some insurance companies cover this service. We will even deliver the med boxes right to the patient’s home, free of charge.
If you know a patient that would benefit from this service, please contact any of our 6 convenient locations and we can help them set up this service.
Prescription Tips
If a prescription includes PRN or as needed as part of the directions, please include why the patient would need to take the medicine, such as “for anxiety” or “for cough” in the directions. This helps the patient understand when and why they would need to take the medication.
If a patient takes insulin on a sliding scale, please put the maximum total daily dose (TDD) as part of the directions. This helps the pharmacy bill the insurance company for an accurate amount and duration of the prescription.
Farxiga is now generic! Dapagliflozin is a little cheaper than the brand product, but the price should fall as more manufacturers enter the market.
- Ozempic, Trulicity, Mounjaro, Zepbound, and Wegovy continue to be in short supply, so be prepared for patient and pharmacy calls.
- Pharmacy questions? Just call us! If you ever have a pharmacy related question, just call us. We want to work with you to help us provide the best possible care to your patients.
- Miss an issue of Pharm Report? Find them all here!
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