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What does WPQC mean for our patients?

Better care from your family pharmacy.

As we acknowledge American Pharmacists’ Month, we’re also celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Wisconsin Pharmacy Quality Collaborative (WPQC). WPQC is a network of accredited pharmacies with certified pharmacists who provide face to face medication reviews to patients who take multiple medications to treat or prevent chronic conditions including high blood pressure or diabetes. We are proud to serve the community as a WPQC-certified pharmacy.

WPQC is founded on the principle that pharmacists have a specialized skill set and expertise that complements and supplements team-based care. More specifically, we help resolve medication therapy problems or negative reactions to medications, provide solutions to help them take medications as prescribed, and create efficiencies that reduce costs.

Our goal is to deliver the highest quality of care and better medication outcomes. We’ve seen great examples among our colleagues and within our community of how WPQC helps patients transition back home after a hospital stay; complements public health initiatives such as tobacco cessation; ensures greater continuity of care between pharmacies and prescribers; and creates important connections between the organizations that care for our community members – especially those who are underserved.

Visit us at Forward Pharmacy to learn more about WPQC.