Pharm Report Issue No. 5
A newsletter to update clinic staff on current issues in healthcare
Issue V
Medicare and Vaccines
Did you know that all ACIP-recommended vaccines are covered by Medicare with no cost sharing for the patient?
Vaccines that protect against influenza, pneumococcal disease, COVID, and hepatitis B have been covered by the Medicare B program with no additional cost to the patient for years. These vaccines are covered wherever Part B is accepted, including clinics and pharmacies. What has changed is that all other ACIP-recommended vaccines, such as the herpes zoster (shingles) vaccine, Tdap, and most recently, the RSV vaccine, are covered under the Part D program with no additional cost to the patient. This was a big change that happened in 2023. The caveat? These vaccines are only covered by Medicare when a patient receives them at a pharmacy.
Some older patients may not be enrolled in the Medicare Part D program, but instead qualify for Seniorcare, an income-based prescription drug benefit administered by the state of Wisconsin. These patients can still receive routine ACIP-recommended vaccines that would be covered under the Part D program through the Seniorcare program at no additional cost to them, provided they get vaccinated at a pharmacy.
If you have a patient that is due for any recommended vaccines, refer them to their pharmacy. We offer vaccine appointments and walk-ins Monday through Saturday at all 6 of our locations. Appointments are available on our website.
The Monona Medicine Shoppe is Now Forward Pharmacy Monona!
Did we just say 6 locations? That’s right We are excited to announce that Forward Pharmacy has expanded to Monona! Forward Pharmacy Monona is located at 4205 Monona Dr, Monona, WI 53716.
If your patients are current customers of The Medicine Shoppe, no worries — they will still be greeted by the same friendly faces, great service, and convenient hours! We’ll also offer everything that our other Forward Stores do as well, such as vaccinations, help choosing Medicare Part D plans, help with managing chronic conditions, and FREE delivery!
Prescription Tips
- Don’t Forget to tell the pharmacy if a medication has been discontinued! If your patient is no longer taking a medication, please let the pharmacy know, even if the patient knows they are no longer taking a medicine. Many patients rely on family members or caregivers to get their medicines, and many pharmacies provide services such as med sync or compliance packaging to have medications ready for patients. Letting the pharmacy know when a medication is no longer needed is a vital step in ensuring your patients get the best possible care from their pharmacy.
- Brr! It must be January and that means insurance changes. Patients may be bringing in letters from their insurance companies stating that one or more of their current medications is no longer covered. Please call the pharmacy for assistance in selecting alternative medications.
- Ozempic, Trulicity, Mounjaro, Zepbound, and Wegovy continue to be in short supply, so be prepared for patient and pharmacy calls.
- Pharmacy questions? Just call us! If you ever have a pharmacy related question, just call us. We want to work with you to help us provide the best possible care to your patients.
- Miss an issue of Pharm Report? Find them all here!
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